Thursday, May 15, 2008

This makes me nauseous

Oberman breaks it down

Bush vid Spotted by Social baron


Social Baron said...

That Olberman video is a great find. Nice job Diggs.

Unknown said...

Dude! Oberman got it right. Good for him telling it like it is. Diggs, very bold of you to put a political vid up on this site. I'm not against it. But i do like how i can go to the site and forget about all the stress of the world, so maybe just do it once and a while. YOU MUST LISTEN TO WHAT I SAY. Sorry, too much coffee today.

Anonymous said...

he's a sick fuck

Kathythebadger said...

It's sad to think that this guy has been running and ruening our country for the past seven years. Lets go Obama!

على محمد said...

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